
Hunza Pakistan Tour (2024-25) – 09 Days

Hunza Pakistan tour is a soft adventure in the Karakorams of Pakistan. Two and a half million domestic tourists visited this region in the year 2018 and it still continues to be the top destination among foreign and domestic tourists. Our holidays to Hunza Valley are normally referred to as Hunza Valley tour.

Our events (fixed departures) for Hunza valley tour are given in the table below.

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Dates & Cost – Hunza Pakistan Tour (09 Days)

All seasons are considered good for sightseeing in the northern areas of Pakistan. Considering the flow of tourists and demand for Hunza Valley tour, we carefully choose our dates for this tour. The start and end dates in the table below are your dates of arrival and departure from Pakistan. We have at least 18 guaranteed departures every year in all seasons (10 in summers, 2 in autumn, 4 in winters and 2 in spring). Our dates and costs for Hunza Valley tour (summer season) are given below.

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Holiday Information

Foreign travelers (non-Pakistani)

  • Implementation of government SOPs/Guidelines in case of new pandemic variants.
  • Licensed professional guide (government requirement)
  • Airport transfer on first and last day in Islamabad
  • All domestic road transfers
  • All hotel accommodation (twin sharing rooms)
  • All hotel meals (breakfast, lunch, and dinner)
  • Support staff (assistant(s) etc)

Domestic travelers (Pakistani Nationals)

  • Licensed professional guide
  • Road transport (Islamabad to Islamabad)
  • Hotel accommodation according to the itinerary
  • Hotel meals according to the itinerary
  • Support staff (assistant(s) etc – according to need)

Foreign travelers (non-Pakistani)

  • Travel Insurance (recommendations only)
  • Visa to Pakistan (supporting documents will be offered)
  • International airfare
  • Personal equipment (clothes, boots, etc)
  • Tips for guides, porters, staff, etc
  • Miscellaneous (drinks, phone calls, laundry, souvenir, etc)

Domestic travelers (Pakistani Nationals)

  • Airport transfers in Islamabad (can be arranged – additional charges)
  • Sightseeing in Islamabad and surrounding areas (can be arranged – additional charges)
  • Hotel accommodation in Islamabad (can be arranged – additional charges)
  • Hotel meals in Islamabad (can be arranged – additional charges)
  • Travel insurance (recommendations can be requested)
  • Visa to Pakistan (not required)
  • International airfare for overseas Pakistani
  • Personal equipment (warm clothes, boots, etc)
  • Tips for guides, porters, staff, etc
  • Miscellaneous (drinks, phone calls, laundry, souvenir, etc)

Why Register Now?

1. Early Bird Discount: The given prices for the holiday are limited-time discount offers and are subject to change. Service providers including (but not limited) to airlines and hotels increase prices in peak-season. Early reservations cost less than peak-season. 

2: Limited Space in Peak Months: The peak months in the peak season attract the highest number of international guests and are therefore sold out earlier. Due to our revised Covid-19 guidelines, we have restricted our group size to a maximum of 12 travelers. We are taking registrations on a "first-come, first-served" basis.

3. Pay Balance after arrival in Pakistan: In these unusual times, we appreciate that paying the final balance for your trip may cause concern. Our policy is to only receive your final balance once you arrive in Pakistan. The only payment before arrival is the deposit.

4. Deposit valid for 3 years: We understand the uncertainty surrounding the pandemic (Covid-19). As part of our relaxed booking conditions following Covid-19, deposits are valid for 3 years. 

5. Pay Minimum Deposit: The deposits for the holiday are also early-bird discounts and automatically change accordingly:

  • 1st October: USD 110
  • 1st November: USD 150
  • 1st January: USD 180
  • 1st March: USD 260
  • 1st May: USD 340

Note: The same dates above apply to next season's deposits.

Deposit (Advance) for Pakistani nationals

The deposit for Pakistani nationals is PKR 40,000 or 30% of the total price, whichever is greater. The deposit is non-refundable but valid for 3 years according to our relaxed booking conditions following Covid-19.

Refund Policy for All

Deposit: Once paid, the deposit is non-refundable (but valid for 3 years) as it will be spent on making in-country arrangements. In the case of visa rejection, a refund/partial-refund (if costs incurred) will be considered. In such cases, a valid proof of visa rejection must be submitted to our office within 72 hours of rejection. For Pakistan nationals, the deposit is non-refundable (but valid for 3 years) in all cases.

Balance: Pay the balance only after arrival in Pakistan on the first day. Payment guidelines will be shared timely.


All international travelers can pay in US Dollars (USD) or equivalent in Euros (EUR) or Pound Sterling (GBP). Pakistani travelers are charged the equivalent in Pakistani Rupees (PKR).

Single Supplement

Separate accommodation (single supplement) will cost an additional USD 295. This includes all nights. This payment should be made with the balance upon arrival in Pakistan.


Highlights – Hunza Pakistan Tour

Hunza Pakistan tour has a lot to offer. Given below are main highlights of Hunza Pakistan tour.

  • Experience the culture of ethnic minority communities of Hunza
  • Participate and dance to the tunes of Hunza drums
  • Enjoy Hunzai and Pakistani cuisine
  • Opportunity to interact with Hunza's community members including men, women and children
  • View of hundreds of peaks including Rakaposhi (7,708m) and Passu Sar (7,478m) and Ultar Sar (7,388m) in the Karakoram Range
  • Rivers (Hunza, Gilgit, Indus, Kunhar), tributaries and streams
  • Babusar Pass (4,173m), Khunjerab Pass (4,733m) and Attabad tunnel (7km)
  • Valleys of northern Pakistan including Hunza, Nagar, Naltar, Besham/Kaghan and Naran etc
  • Lakes including Attabad, Lulusar, Naltar and Batura
  • Glaciers including Passu, Batura and Hussaini etc
  • Khunjerab National Park and Naltar Wildlife Sanctuary
  • Sightseeing of forts (Altit and Baltit)
  • Bazaars of Karimabad, Aliabad and Naran
  • Karakoram Highway and Ancient Silk Route
  • Drive through towns of Haripur, Abbottabad, Mansehra etc
  • Sightseeing in Islamabad & Rawalpindi
  • Make new friends
  • Discounted cultural travel


Itinerary – Hunza Pakistan Tour

The itinerary for Hunza Pakistan tour is given below.

Day 01: Arrive at Islamabad International Airport, Islamabad

On this Day

GPS Data
Altitude: 540 m

Your flights will normally arrive in Islamabad in the afternoon. Our guide(s) will receive you from the airport. Soon the participants will be transferred to hotels. This day the participants can relax and recover from the journey.

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Day 02: Drive to Besham/Naran

On this Day

Our guest will depart to Besham or Naran (depending on weather and other variables) from Islamabad. If we take the road to Besham, our guests will drive through Haripur, Abbotabad, Mansehra and then Besham, along Indus river on Karakoram Highway. However, we will try to travel via Naran road. This will give our guests the opportunity to explore additional locations.

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Day 03: Drive to Hunza Valley

On this Day


We will drive towards the beautiful valley of Hunza in the Karakoram range. We will follow the Indus river on the Karakoram highway until we are met by the Hunza river. Hunza valley is unique in terms of the natural environment, culture, food, etc. Crossing few bridges, passing through small villages of the Brusho and Shinaki people, we will reach the capital of Hunza, Karimabad where we will spend the night.

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Day 04: Explore Hunza Valley

On this Day


The morning will start off with a mesmerizing view of Rakaposhi peak from the hotel in Karimabad. The day will start with a visit to the Baltit fort (700 years old) and Altit Fort (900 Years Old). Guests can enjoy a cup of coffee at the royal gardens of Altit Fort. A short excursion/hike to highest view point (Duikar) in Hunza-Nagar late in the afternoon to witness sunsets on white peaks.

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Day 05: Explore Hunza Valley

On this Day

GPS Data
Altitude: 4,693 m

On this day the guests will depart to the international paved road border “Khunjerab Pass. We will pass through Ganish Bridge & ancient rock carvings. We will be travelling along famous Attabad Lake and Newly constructed Pak-China friendship tunnels. Participants will cross through Wildlife Conservation Area in Khyber before entering Khunjerab National Park in Deh. We will each Pak-China border and get stunned by the natural environment and may even witness snow in summers on a lucky day.
Khunjerab National Park is wildlife habitats for ibex, snow leopards, marmots etc. Guests might get a chance to meet Chinese people (soldiers/border police/Chinese tourists from the other side). Participants will eat packed/picnic lunch on Pak-China Border (4733m). Guest will get shopping time on return in Sost (Immigration/Customs point) for Chinese goods (electronics, watches etc). We will return to Passu Village for stay.

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Day 06: Drive to Naran/Kaghan Valley

On this Day


The guests will depart to Besham or Naran (depending on weather and other variables) from Hunza. If we take the road to Besham, we drive through Chilas and Dassu travelling along Indus river on Karakoram Highway. However, we will try to return to Islamabad via Naran road/Babusar Pass (4,173 m). This will give our guests the opportunity to explore additional locations. Our guests will spend the night in Naran or Besham.

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Day 07: Drive to Islamabad

On this Day


The journey to Islamabad will be continued either from Besham or Naran. Participants will drive through more towns, cities and villages of Pakistan.

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Day 08: Sightseeing in Islamabad

On this Day

On this day the twin cities of Rawalpindi and Islamabad will be explored, both of which are distinct. Islamabad is a modern capital city, great for sightseeing while Rawalpindi is a historic city built in British era with intricate bazaars and bustling streets.

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Day 09: Fly to home country

On this Day
Meals included: Breakfast

Our staff will transfer all our guests to the airport on their respective departure timings. The checkout time of all our partner hotels is 12pm.


As Featured In:

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Overview – Hunza Pakistan Tour

Hunza Pakistan is situated in the Gilgit-Baltistan province of Pakistan. Hunza Pakistan refers to the renowned and beautiful Hunza Valley. Hunza was a princely state until 1974. The valley is bordered with China and Afghanistan. The capital of the valley is Karimabad, Hunza. In ancient times the whole valley was ruled from Karimabad by the Mir/Tham of the valley.

Karimabad of Hunza Pakistan is situated at an elevation of 8129 ft. There is always a chance of weather change in minutes in Hunza Pakistan, carry warm cloths, always. Karakoram Highway is the main road that connects the valley to other parts of Pakistan. Gilgit city, which was known as Gilgit Agency in the times of british rule is about 100 km away from the valley. There’s an Airport in Gilgit, you can take a flight from Islamabad to Gilgit which takes an hour to reach Gilgit and then an hour and half on a car/taxi to Hunza.

The people of Hunza Pakistan are hardworking people, it is noticeable by experiencing the harsh environment that they live in, the roads are made on mountains where a weak heart won’t even dare to go. Hunza Pakistan is also known for constructing water channels for irrigation. The greenery of the region is due to the hard work in constructing canals and water channels. Through these channels they water the fields, garden and terraced fields. AKRSP has also helped the people with the construction of water channels and in farming. Hunza Pakistan is suitable for cultivating potatoes, barley, wheat and vegetables along with apricots, apples, cherries and almonds.

The tourists visiting Hunza Pakistan gets the farm fresh fruits and vegetables. The valleys exports potatoes, cherries and apple to other parts of the country. The apricots of Hunza Valley are famous in the whole world and using modern techniques the people are making jam of apricots and other fruits. Hunza Pakistan welcomed almost 1 million tourists from all around the world and other parts of the country in 2017.


Website Last Updated: February 15th, 2024
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5 based on 3 votes
Apricot Tours Pakistan
Hunza Pakistan
USD 1290
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